FreeStyle Libre systems:
Performance you can count on4,5.
Proven to significantly lower A1C*6.
Uncovers hidden glucose patterns for a complete picture†7.
Accurate real-time readings every minute4,5.
Proven to significantly lower A1C*6.
Uncovers hidden glucose patterns for a complete picture†7.
Accurate real-time readings every minute4,5.
Connect your patients with the most affordable CGM systems§8.
CGM = continuous glucose monitor(ing)
Patients get accurate, real-time glucose readings with no fingersticksII4,5.
Guides to simplify prescribing and help you integrate CGM seamlessly into your practice.
Easy-to-understand reports¶7 that can uncover your patients’ glucose patterns and trends.
FreeStyle Libre 3 system is cleared to be used by children 4 years and older with Libre 3 sensor and 2 years and older with Libre 3 Plus sensor.
FreeStyle Libre 2 system is cleared to be used by children 4 years and older with Libre 2 sensor and 2 years and older with Libre 2 Plus sensor.
Medicare and other payor criteria may apply. Abbott provides this information as a courtesy and does not guarantee payment or coverage.
* Study was performed with the outside US version of the FreeStyle Libre 14 day system. Data is applicable to FreeStyle Libre 3 and 2 systems, as feature sets are similar as FreeStyle Libre 14 day system, excluding alarms.
† Study was performed with the US version of the FreeStyle Libre 14 day system. Data is applicable to FreeStyle Libre 2 and 3 systems, as feature sets are similar as FreeStyle Libre 14 day system, excluding alarms.
‡ Based on prescription claims for the aggregate of patients covered by Commercial insurance, Managed Medicare, Managed Medicaid using the FreeStyle Libre personal CGM systems versus competitors’ CGM systems. Does not include fee-for-service Medicare, fee-for-service Medicaid, and uninsured patients. The actual amount a patient pays may vary. The FreeStyle Libre systems require a prescription.
§ Based on prescription claims for commercially insured patients starting on the FreeStyle Libre personal CGM systems compared to competitor CGMs. Does not include Medicare, Medicaid, uninsured, and other federal or state healthcare program patients. The actual cost to patients may or may not be lower than other CGM systems, depending on the amount covered by insurance, if any.
ǁ Fingersticks are required if your glucose alarms and readings do not match symptoms or when you see Check Blood Glucose symbol during the first twelve hours.
¶ The LibreView data management software is intended for use by both patients and healthcare professionals to assist people with diabetes and their healthcare professionals in the review, analysis, and evaluation of historical glucose meter data to support effective diabetes management. The LibreView software is not intended to provide treatment decisions or to be used as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.
References: 1. Huang, Eileen, Mohamed Nada, and Eugene Wright, Jr. "73-LB: Ambulatory Glucose Profile Informs Better Treatment Decisions for Type 2 Basal-Insulin Patients." Diabetes 71, no. Supplement_1 (2022): 73–LB. 2. Haak, Thomas, et al. “Flash Glucose-sensing Technology as a Replacement for Blood Glucose Monitoring for the Management of Insulin-treated Type 2 Diabetes: a Multicentre, Open-label Randomised Controlled Trial.” Diabetes Therapy 8, no. 1 (2017): 55–73. 3. Fokkert, Marion, et al. "Improved Well-Being and Decreased Disease Burden After 1-Year Use of Flash Glucose Monitoring (FLARE-NL4)." BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 7, no. 1 (2019): e000809. 4. FreeStyle Libre 3 User's Manual. 5. FreeStyle Libre 2 User's Manual. 6. Evans, Mark, et al. "The Impact of Flash Glucose Monitoring on Glycaemic Control as Measured by HbA1c: a Meta-analysis of Clinical Trials and Real-world Observational Studies." Diabetes Therapy 11, no. 1 (2020): 83-95. 7. Unger, Jeff, Pamela Kushner, and John E. Anderson. "Practical Guidance for Using the FreeStyle Libre Flash Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care." Postgraduate Medicine 132, no. 4 (2020): 305–313. 8. Data on file. Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. 9. Campbell, Fiona M., et al. "Outcomes of Using Flash Glucose Monitoring Technology by Children and Young People With Type 1 Diabetes in a Single Arm Study." Pediatric Diabetes 19, no. 7 (2018): 1294–1301.
ADC-42700 v10.0
Important Safety Information
FreeStyle Libre 14 day, FreeStyle Libre 2 and FreeStyle Libre 3 systems: Failure to use FreeStyle Libre systems as instructed in labeling may result in missing a severe low or high glucose event and/or making a treatment decision, resulting in injury. If glucose reading and alarms (if enabled) do not match symptoms or expectations, use a fingerstick value from a blood glucose meter for treatment decisions. Seek medical attention when appropriate or contact Abbott at 855‑632‑8658 or for safety info.
The product images are for illustrative purposes only.
The sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
No use of any Abbott trademark, trade name, or trade dress in this site may be made without prior written authorization of Abbott Laboratories, except to identify the product or services of the company.
This website and the information contained herein is intended for use by residents of the United States.
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